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I am a Cincinnati native who moved back a little over a year ago after a 20 year detour living throughout the US and abroad. My husband, Anson, and I purposefully moved to Indian Hill to gift our children with what we believed would be the best education and community. We have a son in the third grade, a daughter in first, as well as a son in preschool at Indian Hill Church.  I hope that as a mom of three, and a previous teacher and business owner, I can use my voice to ensure that appropriate, apolitical and transparent boundaries are being set within the classrooms, allowing our children to learn at their highest potential. I want to inspire a community of parents that lifts their own voices knowing that they are heard, valued and impactful. We CAN be a respectful, open and brave community that exists in a true partnership based on transparency & trust.


I am committed to creating a school board that serves as a checks and balance system that is integral to a successful public school. It is the board's job to ensure that the school's mission "Children at the Center" is flourishing, that students and teachers feel supported in their common goals and that parents are accurately represented and informed. In doing so, we will build back bridges of trust between parents and the school that I believe have been damaged over the last few years. This in turn will absolutely further ensure that all students receive a high-quality education that not only prepares them for success in college and beyond, but encourages them to be confident and collaborative members of society. A school board needs many talents. I believe mine are my desire and ability to ensure accountability and trust, as well as my propensity for bringing people together. Let's build the type of community we wish to see in the world. 


Family Values, Respectful Dialogue & Brave Leadership

As a candidate for the school board, I am committed to upholding the values that matter most to families in our community. I believe in the importance of respectful dialogue and constructive collaboration, and I am dedicated to working with all members of the community to build a better future for our students. I believe that every student deserves a safe & supportive learning environment, and that the school board has a responsibility to ensure that every student receives a high-quality education that prepares them for success in college and beyond.

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